
The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד - Part One

Series 2 - Lecture 1

• Concept of the הנהגת היחוד

• Purpose of the הנהגת היחוד

• The relationship between the הנהגת המשפט and the הנהגת היחוד


There is another attribute emanating from G-d by virtue of who He is, and that is hanhagas ha'yichud or hanhagas ha'shlita. When man comes to the point that something goes wrong, hanhagas ha'yichud enters into the creation and in some way modifies the structure of hanhagas ha'mishpat. G-d wants man to achieve his objective through his own efforts, through hanhagas ha'mishpat. If man doesn't achieve it by his own efforts, then he will achieve it through the hanhagas ha'yichud. Hanhagas ha'yichud means that Hashem wants man to merit the World to Come, and in order to do it there's a certain amount of free will that's necessary.
