
See the Tapestry, not the Threads

Who was the Ramchal? What was his purpose? There were three tikkunim that came down to the world: that of R' Shimon bar Yochai in the Zohar; the second was R' Yitzchak Luria, the Ari, in the Kisvei Ari; the third was the Ramchal himself. R' Shimon bar Yochai and the Ari were not allowed to reveal the meaning of the symbols and metaphors of Kabbalah. The Ramchal was the first who was allowed to begin to explain everything; that was his purpose in this world. Once you begin to learn the parables, you can see that there is a successive level of parables within parables. Through our five senses we take in the physical world around us. But what about the psychic or spiritual worlds? In the first blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei we call G-d hagadol hagibor v'hanora, or great, mighty and awesome. Each of these descriptives refers to a different level. Discuss in-depth what these different levels are and how they manifest. The world was created to correct nahama d'kisufa; what is it? Where does our free will come from, and why is it that humans alone in all creation have it? If we are meant to be spiritual beings, then why do we go to the World to Come with our bodies? The evil inclination is rooted in the body. Doing mitzvot is saying no to your impulses and your body, and yes to your soul and to G-d. G-d's attribute of justice is nothing more than an assessment tool to see whether we are listening to body or soul. If we strengthen our bodies, we are choosing not to be. When we strengthen our souls, we are choosing to be. The Ramchal was the one who put together the entire tapestry of hashkafa so that it can be understood as a whole. When we learn we have to decide whether to look at the big picture and have a great overall understanding, or whether to look at each small piece individually and miss the big picture. Where does the evil inclination come from? What is evil? Any person who tries to say that he is like G-d instantly removes himself from existence. That is the beginning of evil, and it comes out of the nahama d'kisufa that each person is born with. G-d addresses this problem by creating the attribute of justice. What happens if a person doesn't get rid of his evil inclination? That is the purpose of mercy? It has to block the ability of evil justice to annihilate you, and it has to get rid of the evil justice by causing the evil to annihilate itself. What is the process by which this evil, this part of a person saying that he is like G-d, goes on to destroy itself? G-d doesn't want everyone to be able to understand hashkafa, because understanding it could delay the redemption. The redemption will come either in a generation where everyone is righteous, or in a generation where everyone is ignorant.
