The Torah is the essence of creation. How can this be, when it was not given all the way until the time of Moshe Rabbeinu, 2,000 years after the world's creation? The obvious answer is that the mitzvos are the spirit of creativity. Everything from Adam down to Moshe and receiving the Torah is nothing but alterations on the spirit of creativity, but the essential idea always remains the same. The single mitzvah given to Adam was in reality the entire Torah, wrapped up in a single package. And yet Adam failed, and altered humanity. If humanity is altered - the Torah must be altered to match. Avraham understood the structural variations between soul and mitzvah and that's why it says that he knew the entire Torah. Discuss what the existence is like in the World to Come and how G-d gives suffering to people in this world in order to give them only ecstasy in the next.