Hashkafa: Basic
Hashkafa Basic
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 1
The Critical Necessity for Studying Hashkafa - Part 1
- The essential purpose of Hashkafa can be broken down into five sections:
- Our ability to comprehend G-d and His nature.
- Understanding the composition of reality, what it's made of, the types of beings that inhabit it, and the purpose of creation itself.
- Understanding the purpose of man, the מין האנושי, and the reason he was created.
- Understanding how to go about achieving that purpose and fulfilling G-d's will in detail.
- Understanding the inner meaning of a person's life.
- The concept of יחוד הבורא ב"ה, and its revelation
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 2
Giluy and Hester Yichudo
The awareness and understanding the concept of His oneness in the sense that there is no other like Him.
- True fear of Heaven consists of understanding השגת יחודו.
- The greater the understanding of hasagas yechudo, the greater the capacity is for fear of Heaven.
- The evil inclination attempts to conceal hasagas yechudo by creating a situation of hiding His oneness by the creation of this world through the five senses, nature, and coincidence.
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 3
Validity of the Torah
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 3
Validity of the Torah
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 4
The Nature of G-ds Existence
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 5
Beyond Existence
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 5
Beyond Existence
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 6
Tov U'metiv
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 6
Tov U'metiv
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 7
Bread of Shame
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 7
Bread of Shame
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 8
Hashkafa Explained
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 8
Hashkafa Explained
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 9
Illusions of the Mind
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 9
Illusions of the Mind
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 10
Free Will
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 10
Free Will
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 11
Free Will continued
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 11
Free Will continued
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 12
The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד - Part One
Series 2 - Lecture 1
• Concept of the הנהגת היחוד
• Purpose of the הנהגת היחוד
• The relationship between the הנהגת המשפט and the הנהגת היחוד
There is another attribute emanating from G-d by virtue of who He is, and that is hanhagas ha'yichud or hanhagas ha'shlita. When man comes to the point that something goes wrong, hanhagas ha'yichud enters into the creation and in some way modifies the structure of hanhagas ha'mishpat. G-d wants man to achieve his objective through his own efforts, through hanhagas ha'mishpat. If man doesn't achieve it by his own efforts, then he will achieve it through the hanhagas ha'yichud. Hanhagas ha'yichud means that Hashem wants man to merit the World to Come, and in order to do it there's a certain amount of free will that's necessary.
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 13
The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד - Part Two
Series 2 - Lecture 2:
• The הנהגת המשפט and הנהגת היחוד as inverse השגחה manifestations
• The הנהגת היחוד as a design principle and a השגחה process
The first attribute which emanated from G-d was (הנהגת החסד (הטבה. Once נהמא דכיסופא (bread of shame), comes in, הנהגת החסד must take place through הנהגת המשפט, which creates the situation where the person must earn his own World to Come. If you create your World to Come, you have your World to Come; if you don't create it then you have no World to Come. This means that there is a REAL possibility that there will be no World to Come. The guarantee of הטבה means that there has to be a מטיב to an "other" a זולתו, someone else to be metiv to.
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 14
The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד - Part Three
Series 2 - Lecture 3
• The non-observant majority in Judaism today: an explanation
The time limit that G-d has put on this world is 6,000 years, and it's during these years we earn our World to Come. Yichud and mishpat are opposing forces. Mishpat works with its feet on the ground and its head in the air; yichud works with its head in the ground and its feet in the air. They work concurrently, but yichud enters in through mishpat. Mishpat works to correct the bread of shame, while yichud works to ensure that the hatava will be manifested in the end.
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 15
The Process of Tikun (תיקון) and The Concept of Perfection (שלימות)
Series 2 - Lecture 4
• The structural approach to the study of Hashkafa
• The way of the הנהגת המשפט
• The concept of חסרון and שלימות
• G-d's revealed operative mode: הארת והסתר פנים
• The acquisition of שלימות
• The essential purpose of the יצר הרע
Hanhagos ha'mishpat are those series of activities whose specific objective is to correct the shortcoming of the bread of shame. Hanhagaos ha'yichud are those series of activities which G-d performs whose specific objective is to ensure that the tikun of the bread of shame takes place and to make sure somebody reaches the World to Come. In the World to Come, there is only hanhagas ha'mishpat and no hanhagas ha'yichud. If you want to complete yourself, to achieve a level of perception, the way to do that is by becoming davek, by cleaving to G-d. The way G-d works in the way He creates everything is through her'a and hester, showing or hiding Himself. Her'as panav means that G-d allows His presence to be felt or to be projected out upon us.
Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 16
The Creation of Man's Physical Body (גוף)
Series 2 - Lecture 5
• The purpose of the גוף
• The Yetzer Hatov and the intellect
• The concept of evil or רע